Law of Contracts National Taiwan University
Course Overview
Anglo-American Contract Law is a case-study course conducted in English. We use the following textbook: John P. Dawson et al., Contracts--Cases & Comment (Foundation Press: 10th edition, 2013). Students are required to read the assigned reading and brief the case if called upon. After each case is briefed by student, professor will guide the discussions. Students are encouraged to well prepare and participate discussion in the classes.
Learning Achievement
Through the studies of cases of various topics under Anglo-American Contract Law, this course aims to teach students not only the important rules and principles of common law contracts but also the skill to read cases as well as issue-finding ability. Students will learn how to write brief and orally brief the case. Discussions provide students to think of viable arguments from different aspects and angles with justification and reasoning.
Course prerequisites
Civil Code-kinds of Obligations: LAW3281 (A01 37210) or LawILS7022 (A41 M0180).
Read the assigned reading (please see syllabus). Attend the classes. Brief the case if called upon. Participate discussion. A final exam will be conducted at the end of semester.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Jen Guang Lin
Other information
(College of Law) Department of Law,
(College of Law) Department of Law, Legal Science Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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