Law of the World Trade Organization National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The World Trade Organization (WTO) serves as the only and the most important multilateral institution addressing the rules of trade between nations. In todays globalized world, as trade increases and regional market integration deepens, legal issues of international economic relations are becoming more and more complicated. The issues facing the WTO are widening and go beyond a purely trade dimension. It might reach cross-cutting issues on foreign investment, environment, food safety, disease control, public moral, culture protection and human right. It is of immense importance for law students to have some broad understanding about WTO laws so as to know the essence of globalization and economic integration. The basic knowledge of WTO is also useful for understanding other fields of law, such as intellectual property law, service related laws (financial regulations, telecommunication laws, among others), international health law, and public international law. This course will be conducted in English. Main topic to be discussed: 1. The WTO: History and structure 2. WTO Dispute Settlement 3. Tariffs 4. Quantitative Restrictions 5. National Treatment 6. Most-Favored-Nation Treatment 7. Regional Trade Agreements 8. General Exceptions: GATT Article XX 9. Dumping and Antidumping 10. Subsidies and Countervailing Duties 11. Safeguards 12. Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 13. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade 14. Trade in Services 15. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Learning Achievement
The course is designed to cover the fundamental aspects of the WTO law so that participants will be equipped with basic WTO law knowledge and skills.
Course prerequisites
1. Most class sessions will be conducted by lectures and discussions. 2. Attendance for all classes and active class participation is strongly encouraged. In no event, the participants should miss two or more classes without good reason. 4. The course evaluation will be based on class participation (including attendance) (50%) and the final term examination (50%). 5. The class schedule could be adjusted according to the actual number of students taking this class and the discussions in the class. 6. There will be (one or two) guest speakers to deliver speeches.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement