Learning analytics dashboards as a means to support teaching and learning Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
The use and analysis of data to enhance learning and teaching is currently receiving a lot of interest and attention. Data from digital learning environments as well as information and communication technologies can be used and analysed automatically and with a high degree of variety and granularity. When data is used to support teaching and learning processes, the term „learning analytics“ is often used. In this course, concrete learning analytics dashboards will be analysed, interpreted and designed by students. Based on current research, aspects relevant to the use of learning analytics will be discussed in detail; possible challenges in the implementation and use of analytics will be identified; and examples of a wide variety of visualisations and dashboards will be collected, presented and interpreted. One focus will be on the use of such dashboards in the school context. Students will work their way through different steps, e.g. developing, discussing and evaluating pen-and-paper prototypes, creating wireframes and analysing real dashboards. The knowledge gained throughout the course will be used to design (i.e. conceptualise, not program) a dashboard. The course will be conducted in English. All literature will be announced and distributed during the course (and will be in English as well).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
five sessions, all on a Saturday, always from 10am to 2pm Central European Time:Session 1: October 21Session 2: November 4Session 3: November 18Session 4: December 2Session 5: December 16exam will be a term paper
Course type
Online Course Requirement
to get a certificate of attendance (3 ECTS): - attendance and active participation during on all five sessions of the course- regular group work to design a dashboard- group presentation of dashboard- written group report about the dashboardto get a grade (5 ECTS): - all of the above- term paper
Prof. Dr. Maren Scheffel
Other information
Please email Prof. Scheffel with the subject line "UNIC course participation" using the following email address:maren.scheffel@rub.de
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: maren.scheffel@rub.de