Literature on Starch and Technology National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Students learn advanced starch chemistry through reading, leading and participating in the discussion, and presenting comprehensive reviews of peer reviewed articles published in the last three years (2013-2016). Both students and the instructor will select articles that are related to the students' research projects or disciplines. The instructor will provide guidelines f leading group discussions and facilitate the discussions. Through in-class activities, students will gain knowledge that will advance research projects related to starch chemistry. Students will also build up critical-thinking, leadership, and communication skills in the class. The final presentations, both an oral and a written report, are expected to be part of the students' future theses, manuscripts or research presentations.
Learning Achievement
1. Students will gain knowledge about starch science and its relationship with nutritional and technical functionalities. 2. Students will gain an understanding of the role of starch chemistry in agricultural and life sciences. 3. Students will read and analyze various hot topics related to starch science and technology.
Course prerequisites
Instructor's permission. The instructor recommends students to take scientific writing, seminar, organic chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry and take the Library database training before the class.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Ting-Jang Lu
Other information
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Graduate Institute of Food Science & Technology
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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