Living in Japan as Foreign Students University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course will provide clear explanations by using specific examples of legal and social rules foreign students must know for their lives in Japan. In particular, lectures will be focused on legal and administrative procedures required for studying, employment and settlement, by illustrating immigration control, the precautions for the limits of the non-academic activities regarding part-time jobs, visa application required for job hunting and job hunting after graduation, visa application required after the employment or in case of unemployment, marriage to a Japanese or a foreigner, and family life.
Learning Achievement
Students can make their appropriate future plan about study and employment in Japan by obtaining the basic knowledge about the legal and social rules required for living in Japan.
Foreign students will obtain the basic knowledge about the legal and social rules required for living in Japan
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Reaction paper: 20%, Participation: 20%, Final report: 60%.
Course schedule
Class 1: Introduction, orientationClass 2 to 4: Tax and Social Securities related to foreigners in JapanClass 5 to 7: Immigration policies and visa statusClass8 to 10: Labor market for international students and job hunting in Japan
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Urano Edson Ioshiaqui,安藤 由香里
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university