Macroeconomics I Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
This module is necessary for further studies of macroeconomics at an advanced level. It prepares students for PhD programs or work in research institutions. This module covers advanced theoretical models on business cycle fluctuations, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. It provides an overview over the most important macroeconomic topics and introduces students to theories in macroeconomics. The theories are applied to relevant macroeconomic policy issues such as how to deal with financial crisis or the European dept crisis.
Learning Achievement
Qualification targets: This module is an introduction to modern macroeconomics and important current topics of macroeconomic policy. Students learn standard modeling techniques. We also discuss major controversies and the limits of these models. The module stimulates critical thinking and trains the skills required to solve and analyze formal models. Students also get an overview of important policy discussions. Imparted soft skills: Analytical thinking, Independent studying and learning, Presentation techniques/language competencies, Team work and capacity for team work, Critical thinking
Course prerequisites
Thorough knowledge of mathematics for economists is recommended. Knowledge of the materials from the Bsc module “Grundlagen der Makroökonomik” (Foundations of Macroeconomics) is expected.
Grading Philosophy
100 % Written exam (60 min)
Course schedule
Week1: Introduction Week2: followed by Week3 to the Final Week
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Paola D'Orazio; Prof. Dr. Michael Roos
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jan Wüstenfeld:
Email address: