Magnetic and Dielectric Properties University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Students are able to describe the magnetic properties of molecularcompounds and inorganic materials along with selected applications.They acquire the relevant knowledge and become familiar withdielectric and ferroelectric materials used in microelectronics andsensors industries. Students acquire competencies concerningpolarizable materials, their shapings and applications. Objectives:- Acquiring the basic concepts of magnetic and dielectric properties - Application to molecule-based materials and inorganic materials
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc / Master 1 - Language prerequisites: EnglishADVISED BOOKS:- Magnetic properties: Magnetism in Condensed Matter S. BlundellEd. Oxford Univ. Press(2001), Molecular Magnetism, O. Kahn, VCH,Verlag (1993). -Dielectric properties: propriétés diélectriques des matériauxisolants, Coehlo Roland, Physique de l'état solide, KittelCharles,Dielectric Relaxationsin Solids, Jonscher, Andrew
Grading Philosophy
Written final exam: 3hThe first session will take place in the beginning of May.In case of failure, a second session will be organized for the finalexam, either as a written final exam or an oral session depending onthe number of failing students. This 2nd session will take place atthe end of June
Course schedule
I. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES (MP)> Compounds with one single magnetic center - Fundamental formula in magnetism and Curie law. Examples. Deviationfrom Curie law: Orbital Momentum (first and second order). -Tutorials: application of the Curie law to different metals:transition metals, lanthanides. Calculation of the magneticsusceptibility in thepresence of zero filed splitting (case of a spinS=1)> Compounds with two magnetic centers in interaction -Existence of magnetic interaction. Heisenberg’s Hamiltonian. Originof exchange interaction. Kahn’s model. -Tutorials: a few examples of dinuclear compounds: predicting theferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic character of the interaction. > Molecular compounds: advanced magnetic properties - Spin Crossover Compounds. Spin transition : role of theintermolecular interactions. - Photomagnetic properties : photo-induced spin crossover andelectron transfer. - Tutorials: Thermal and photo-induced spin crossover. - Tutorials: From molecules to materials : the Prussian Blue analogs.Ferri-,ferromagnetic ordering. Photo-magnets. > Single-Moleculemagnets: advanced magnetic properties. Giant spin(Macro-spin) approximation. - Slow relaxation of the magnetization. > Magnetic ordering: from the dinuclear molecular to magneticmaterials. Mean-fieldapproach. - Criteria to get an high Curie temperature ( high |J| value,highS,...). > Dynamics phenomena: hysteresis cycles. - Magnetization.Formation of domains and walls. Observation. - Nanoparticules: Superparamagnetism. - Tutorials: Substitution effects and size of nanoparticules in theperovskitesLnCoO3(Ln=La3+and Gd3+) - Tutorials: Application des règles de Goodenough-Kanamori à desphasesspinnel de type AFe2O4(A= Fe3+,Ti3+,Al3+,Ni2+).II. DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES (DE)1. Background - dipoles, polarisation, dipolarinteractions, microscopic models -complex dielectric permittivity, dielectric losses -dielectric dispersion : relaxations, resonances (…), basic relations -measuring the dielectric permittivity : impedance and opticalspectroscopies -metal/dielectric interfaces2. Low permittivity dielectrics - Most used oxide in electronics: amorphous silica SiO2 - Other oxydes: Al2O3,MgO, Ta2O5,TiO2…3. High dielectric permittivity materials - substituted alkali halides : KCl :OH, KCl :Li - ferroelectric materials : spontaneous polarisation, ferroelectricdomains - relaxor materials - ferroelectric and multiferroic materials4. Chemical bonding/polarisability/dielectric permittivity - polarisability of simple oxides - transition metal oxides - anisotropy and permanent dipoles in octaedral symetry - influence of the chemical bonding5. Processing and use of dielectric materials - shaping of dielectrics - multilayers ceramic capacitors ; contributions from grainboundaries - super capacitors(Ta, Al, Nb) - thi nfilms and nanoparticles - finite size effects - compositesOBJECTIVES: knowledge about polarisable materials, their synthesis andprocessing and their applications
Course type
- 51 lectures, exercise sessions and practical work hours. - 105 Self-study hours: (50 hours private reading, 20 hours project/practical preparation and report, 35 hours exam preparation.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
> The teaching team is constituted of: C. Mathonière, C. Desplanches,O.Toulemonde, M. Maglione, M. Josse.> Bibliograph: - Molecular Magnetism O. Kahn, VCH, 1993. - Magnétisme : I fondements et II matériaux et applications,EDPSciences - Les diélectriques : propriétés diélectriques des matériauxisolants, Coehlo Roland - Physique de l'état solide, Kittel Charles - Dielectric Relaxations in Solids, Jonscher, Andrew>This course is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master FAME (FunctionalAdvanced Materials Engineering)_ a_nd the EIT-labelled Master AMIS(AdvancedMaterials for Innovation and Sustainability).Duration: 8 weeksLanguage of instruction: Main tutorials in French, tutoring and exercise sessions in englishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Corine Mathonière Corinne