Magnetism and Magnetic Materials University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Lecture on the fundametals of magnetism, magnetic materials and spintronics. Firstly, magnetism is discussed from a microscopic point of view, followed by topics of magnetic anisotropy and technical magnetization etc. Based on the above knowledge, nanomagnetism and spintronics are discussed including tunnel magnetoresistance. Finally, some typical examples of applications are shown as well as the prospect in this field.
Learning Achievement
To learn magnetism, magnetic materials and spintronics from the fundamentals to the latest topics, including basic concepts, microscopic understanding (especially the effect of Coulomb energy, etc.) and important applications.
To obtain high-level knowledge and understanding in a specialized topic in the degree program.
Course prerequisites
Basic knowledge in physics and materials science: undergraduate level quantum physics, statistical physics, thermodynamics, crystallography, etc.
Grading Philosophy
Mini tests about each lecture content and class report after all the lectures.
Course schedule
Magnetism, magnetic materials and spintronics will be studied from the fundamentals to the latest topics.IntroductionBasic concepts in magnetism and magnetic materialsMagnetism of electrons and atomsMagnetism of condensed matterFerromagnetism and mean field theoryMagnetic anisotropy and related phenomenaMagnetoresistance and related phenomenaTunnel magnetoresistance and spintronics devicesMagnetization switching by magnetic field and electric currentNovel magneto transport phenomena and their future applicationsSoft and hard magnetic materials and applications
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Mitani Seiji
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university