Marketing Management National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Marketing is a business function and a management process that creates, communicates, and delivers values. The course is designed to help GMBA students appreciate the role of marketing in the modern society, understand major conceptual frameworks of marketing management, and familiarize themselves with analytical tools that managers use upon addressing marketing problems. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations, case discussions, and a simulation. Lecture sessions are designed to introduce a series of important concepts in marketing management, case sessions provide course participants opportunities to explore how such concepts can be applied in business scenarios, whereas simulations sessions let participants taste the flavor of the real-world competitions.
Learning Achievement
At the end of the semester, participants are expected to be familiar with the "language" of marketing (i.e., terms, concepts, and frameworks) that marketers use and be able to address marketing issues relating to customers, competitions, and/or markets.
Course prerequisites
1. Form your group (6 participants in each group) and nominate a team leader by Mar. 7. 2. Choose and fix your seat in the classroom. Group members SHOULD sit together. 3. Bring and show your NAME PLATE for the WHOLE semester. 4. Groups are required to turn in case write-ups (CWs) for each assigned case BEFORE the corresponding discussion session. Case write-ups have to be word-processed, with reasonable line space and fonts, and signed by team members before turning in. Please limit your CWs within ONE A4 page. There will be no credit provided for overdue (i.e., handed in after 18:40) CWs and, for the sake of fairness, no excuse. 5. Groups are required to turn in small project write-ups (SPWs) for each assigned small project BEFORE the corresponding discussion session. SPWs have to be word-processed, with reasonable line space and fonts, and signed by team members before turning in. Please limit your SPWs within EIGHT A4 page. There will be no credit provided for overdue (i.e., handed in after 18:40) CWs and, for the sake of fairness, no excuse. 6. Active participation, both in class and in group, is emphasized in this course. 7. Before the start of a session, corresponding supplementary teaching materials will be posted on CEIBA ( ). Please note that for various reasons, some PPT pages we discuss in class will NOT be posted.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Huang Jun-Yao
Other information
(College of Management Global Mba
*Registration eligibility: students in GMBA program.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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