Materials Chemistry B University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This lecture covers fundamenals of quantum chemistry and Hückel molecular orbital theory and optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of molecules including the latest organic devices.
Learning Achievement
Basic knowledges of materials chemistry, especially organic physical chemistry will be obtained.
Analysis of Materials Functions
Course prerequisites
Students had better havebasic knowledge on chemistry
Grading Philosophy
Practice and reports, in a comprehensive way
Course schedule
Class 1: Symmetry of molecules Class 2: Molecular orbital method: H2+ and Diatomic Molecules Class 3: Molecular orbital method: Huckel Method : Linear and Ring Molecules Class 4: Optical Properties of π-Conjugated Molecules Class 5. Energy and Electron Transport, Organic Devices Class 6: Molecular Orbital of Metal Complexes Class 7: SWOT analysis 1 Class 8: SWOT analysis 2 Class 9: SWOT analysis 3 Class 10: SWOT analysis 4All classes will be held face-to-face.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yamamoto Yohei
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university