Mathematica Statistics II University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
The formal study of the asymptotic properties of estimators and test statistics is fundamental to understand and propose modern statistical methods.
Learning Achievement
To discuss formally asymptotic theory of statistical methods.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Exams, Worksheets and Seminars
Course schedule
1. Order of magnitudes and Taylor series. 2. Weak and strong convergence laws of the estimators. Univariate and multivariate cases. Slutsky's Theorem. 3. Central limit Theorems _ Univariate, Multivariate and Martingales. Cram_r-Wold's Theorem. Hajek-Sidak' s Theorem and applications to regression models. Delta method and variance stabilizing transformations. 4. Asymptotic expansions. 5. Applications.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Antonio Carlos Pedroso de Lima, Alexandre Galv_o Patriota
Other information
Site for Inquiry
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