METACELL: the cell within the body University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course consists of a hybrid learning module that providesessential information about how cells connect and communicate witheach other via soluble and cell-attached messengers (signals). Thefocus is on the cell as part of a three layer pluricellular organism(metazoan). Students attend lectures and must prepare as part of ateam, lectures for fellow students on a selected subject.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- High-school graduate level of cell biology - Internet knowledge and connection
Grading Philosophy
SUMMATIVE: - In-course assessment of formal lectures (0.4 weighting) - Assessment of peer teaching at the end of the course (during thefinal 2 face-to-face sessions, an assessment rubric is provided), (0.6weighting) - Team auto-evaluation to ensure individual accountabilityFORMATIVE: - Team auto-evaluation to ensure individual accountability (learninghow to auto-evaluate mid-way through the course)
Course schedule
Introductory lectures provide an overview of how cells and theirextracellular matrix make up tissues and organs. Students learn howthese coordinate their way of functioning through a complex network ofsoluble and cell-attached messengers (signals).Lectures presented by the students provide a more detailed descriptionof one of the following topics: adhesion molecules, extracellularmatrix, receptors, first messengers (hormones, growth factors,neurotransmitters, cytokines), regulation of gene transcription, stemcells, tissue dynamics, cell signalling.
Course type
- 15 hours of formal face-to-face teaching - Peer teaching with the preparation of content as part of a team - Tutorials to monitor student progress - Self-learning (library, Internet resources)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Maximum number of students: 16 Relevant English textbooks in library (BUST, Section "Sciences de laVie", level +1):- The Cell (Alberts, et al.), 3 copies, code 571.6 MOL - MolecularBiology of the Cell (Lodish, et al.), 2 copies, 571.6 MOL (same codebut not the same authors) - Essential Cell Biology (Alberts, et al.),2 copies, code 571.6 ESS - Cell Biology (Karp), 1 copy, code 571.6KAR - Signal Transduction (Kramer, 2015), online Babord+Relevant French multimedia resources-[]Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Blended learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: IJsbrand Kramerijsbrand.kramer@u-bordeaux.frFrédérique Carrè