Method of Finite Elements National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This is an introductory to finite elements offered by the Department of Civil Engineering. The finite element method has been coined as the most useful numerical method for solving engineering problems governed by partial differential equations. The contents are vast and the commercial programs are sophisticated. It is thus impetus (and sometimes difficult) to cover the important aspects of the method. This course is offered to guide you through the basic of the method and help you to acquire hands-on experience on programming the method.
Learning Achievement
Learn the basic theory and formulation for finite elements (FE) with hands-on experience on FE programming (MATLAB).
Course prerequisites
Prerequisites: undergraduate courses in engineering mathematics, statics, dynamics and mechanics of materials.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chuin-Shan Chen
Other information
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering,Computer-Aided Engineering Division,
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division,
Non-degree Program: Nano-Technology Engineering
*Registration eligibility: graduate students.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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