Modern Physics University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
The course will focus about overview of modern physics aiming at Engineering students.
Students in this course will have introductory concept about wave-particle properties of electromagnetic radiation,
quantum mechanics, properties of atom, molecular structure, statistical physics, and solid state physics.
Learning Achievement
1. The students are able to explain the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics.
2. The students are able to find the normal modes of coupled oscillators.
3. The students are able to explain the basic idea of modern physics based on quantum theory.
4. The students are able to further learn more advanced subjects such as quantum mechanics, statistical physics, solid-state physics, etc.
Related to 2. Understanding ability of physical phenomena.
Course prerequisites
Students should have taken the courses such as Calculus (Single-Variable), Advanced Calculus (Multi-variables), Linear Algebra, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics
Grading Philosophy
20% Class performance and Homework
40% Midterm exam
40% Final Exam
Course schedule
Calculus of variations
Lagrange's equations 1-3
Couples oscillators and normal modes 1-2
Hamiltonian mechanics
Experimental basis of quantum physics 1-2
Structure of atom 1-2
Mid-term exam
Wave-particle duality 1-2
Schrodinger equation 1-3
Hydrogen atom
Atomic physics and angular momentum 1-2
Statistical physics 1-2
Molecules, Lasers and Solids 1-2
Semiconductor theory and devices1-2
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Other information
* Absent more than 3 times (classes) without prior notification will be considered fail in the course
* Rules and regulations regarding examination as set forth by University of Tsukuba will be strictly observed.
* All exams are closed-book style for the case of "in-class lecture". In the case of "hybrid lecture", all exams are in open-book style.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university