Monetary Economics University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
This course deals with the monetary theory and policy in the context of modern economies. It addresses the role and definition of money in the economy, the microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects of money, the demand for money, the supply of money and interest rates, monetary policy making and instruments of monetary policy, and central banking at theoretical and practical levels. The course equips students with the skills to understand the operation of modern economies and the main monetary aggregates of an economy over time and across countries and its implications on economic welfare indicators.
Learning Achievement
The main objectives are to know the function of money and monetary policy in the functioning of modern economies. As such the course provides both the theory and practical context of how monetary aggregates influence economic activity in the modern world.
This course provides opportunities for students to build their skillls in understanding the operation of modern economies and the role of money and monetary policy in the process. This skill equips students with the necessary competence and quantitative skills to study the workings of modern economies.
Course prerequisites
Introductory macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Grading Philosophy
Class participation: 20 percent, Assignments:30 percent, and Final Examination: 50 percent.
Course schedule
Week 1: Introduction and OverviewWeek 2: Money, Monetary Aggregates, and Interest RateWeek 3. Central Banking and Monetary Policy ProcessWeek 4: Monetary TheoryWeek 5: Quantity Theory of MoneyWeek 6: Theories of Money DemandWeek 7. Monetary Policy and InflationWeek 8. Budget Deficits and InflationWeek 9. Monetary Policy and Aggregate DemandWeek 10. Summary and ReviewTopics of contemporary monetary policy will be introduced in class to stimulate discussion on current issues and debates in economic policy.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Moges Abu Girma
Other information
It is expected that all students should participate actively in class discussion and submit assignments in time.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university