Nanophysics with local probes Université Grenoble Alpes

Course Overview
Goal: Introduction to local probe techniques in Nanosciences. Part 1: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and its applications, near-field microscopies instrumentation Chapter 1: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Refresher on the free electron model in a metal, including the work-function basis. Basics on electron tunneling though a square barrier. Field emission in the framework of the WKB approximation. Microscopic model of tunneling. Expression of the tunnel current as a function of the density of states and electronic distribution function. General description of STM. Chapter 2: Instrumentation for Scanning Probe Microscopy Chapter 3: STM imaging of surfaces Chapter 4: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of nano-objects and nanostructures Principles of local spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging Chapter 5: Nanomanipulation Chapter 6: New local probes. Combined AFM-STM Part 2: Atomic Force Microscopy and related techniques Chapter 1: Principles of AFM Chapter 2: Imaging modes Chapter 3: Spectroscopy mode. Force curves and related interaction measurements, Force mapping Chapter 4: Introduction to Electric Force Microscopy Chapter 5: AFM as a local tool
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.
Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
- April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
- September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June).
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER