Neural Networks University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Upon completion of this course, students are able to analyze andunderstand how vertebrate and invertebrate neuronal networks work interms of: cellular and synaptic mechanisms; normal, developmental andpathologic al plasticity; ontogenesis.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Solid basis in Neuroscience (neurons, synapses, etc.). - Students should possess a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) orequivalent diploma in biology, biochemistry, biomedical sciences,medical studies, pharmacy, cognitive sciences or psychology. - A proven interest and solid basic knowledge in the field ofNeuroscience must be provided by students with a Bachelor degree inanother subject (chemistry, physics, mathematics,computer science). - Language prerequisites: fluency in English.
Grading Philosophy
> Grading is based on the following examinations: - Oral assignment from experiments done during the tutorials, - Written assignent from experiments done during the tutorials, - Paper (3 hours) at the end of term.> Final assessment takes place in early December .> One re-sit is allowed.
Course schedule
> During the course, students will learn to: - Master the cellular and synaptic mechanisms that allow a neuralnetwork to produce a physiologically relevant activity. - Understand the mechanisms underlying the functional flexibility(plasticity) of neural networks. - Apply electrophysiological and pharmacological approaches todecipher the functioning of neural networks. - Develop and apply relevant electrophysiological and pharmacologicalexperiments and computer-based simulations to decipher the cellularand synaptic mechanisms underlying the functioning of a neuralnetwork. - Design appropriate protocols in electrophysiology and pharmacology. - Use neurosimulation software to analyse the functioning of thecentral nervous system. - Write a scientific report from their own experimental results. - Provide an oral presentation of their own experimental result. > The program will cover: - Principles of organization of neuronal networks; central patterngenerators - Methods of study - Cases study: locomotor networks & others - Plasticity - Development - Interactions between networks
Course type
- Teaching: 54 hours (lectures: 36 hours; seminars and tutorials: 18 hours). - Personal student work: 96 hours. - Final assessment: 3 hours.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum number of students: 20. - Selection procedure: send application file with CV, all previoustranscripts and cover letter to the course coordinator. - Selection criteria: excellent grades and/or other study results,high motivation, adequate prerequisites.Duration: 12 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: in-class, lectures, seminars, tutorials (computer-based experiments on neural
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Denis Combesdenis.combes@u-bordeaux.frChristine