Next generation Semiconductors for Power Electronics University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Wide gap semiconductor materials are expected as a key technology on an innovation of power electronics. In this course, related technologies on the power electronics using these materials like crystal growth, device processing, application, and characterization are reviewed.
Learning Achievement
Characteristics of wide gap semiconductor materials like SiC, GaN, Ga2O3, and Diamond for using power electronics are learned by comparing with Si semiconductor material.Importance of the power electronics that can control the electric energy is learned. Related technologies on each wide gap semiconductor materials are learned. Meaning of the power electronics using wide gap semiconductor materials as the science and industry technologies is learned.
Course prerequisites
In this lecture, recent R&D results or related topics published in scientific journals will be introduced. So, it would be preferable if you are familiar to read scientific journals written in English. And it is desirable to take lectures like crystal growth, semiconductor device, and electric circuit.
Grading Philosophy
Grading will be carried out by contents of reports you will submit.
Course schedule
1st : Microelectronics vs. Power electronics.2nd : Wide gap semiconductor materials.3rd : Wide gap semiconductors and its power electronics applications.4th : Current situation of wide gap semiconductors and its power electronics.5th : Bulk crystal growth of wide gap semiconductor materials.6th : Epitaxial growth of wide gap semiconductor materials.7th : Dislocations of wide gap semiconductor materials and its characterization.8th : Metal-oxide- semiconductor interface of wide gap semiconductor materials.9th : Reliability of wide gap semiconductor power devices.10th : Design and packaging technologies of wide gap semiconductor power devices.11th : Test.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kojima Kazutoshi
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university