Numerical Methods University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Learning of numerical tools: analysis and representation of data,graphical tools, numerical analysis and scientific programming for thetreatment of problems belonging to physics and chemistry.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
No prerequisites.
Grading Philosophy
> First Session: - Final written exam (50% weight of overall mark). - 2 projects (2 x 25% weight of overall mark). > Second Session (in case of failure): - Written exam (50% weight of overall mark). - Recall of the first session project marks (2 x 30% weight ofoverall mark).
Course schedule
1. Numerical analysis and scientific computing applied to physics andchemistry problems - Fortran programming language - Linear Algebra - Eigenvalue problem and solving systems of equations - Intepolation and numerical integration and differentiation - Fourier transform and signal processing2. Processing and data representation - Python programming language - Data processing and analysis - Chi-square and model fitting - Graphics and visualization tools - Physics and chemistry application
Course type
> Lectures, tutorials and practicals. > 155 hours: - 52 contact hours (16 hours lectures, tutorials, 36 hours practicals on computers). - 100 self-study hours. - 3 written assessment exam hours.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 12 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: lectures, tutorials, practical work.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Lionel Truflandierlionel.truflandier@u-bordeaux.frCorinne