Numerics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The generalized use of data and smart digital systems heralds a newdigital age: from digital nomadism and intelligent cities to a betterunderstanding of human needs and uses. These future systems, dedicatedto the analysis, recognition and optimization of resources, pave theway to life-changing applications, but require a broad scientificknowledge and skills in digital sciences. The NUMERICS course proposestraining in mathematics, computer science and science for engineers,combinedwith human and social sciences to prepare the experts of thefuture in these domain.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Any student with excellent scores in any numerical science(mathematics, computer science, engineering) can apply to thisinterdisciplinary module. Students should be able to read documents written in English andfollow courses and scientific talks in English.
Grading Philosophy
Assessment will be based on the oral presentation of results obtainedby the small group of students during the thematic week (50%) and theindividual scientific report written by each student on a topic to bechosen among the methods and scientific challenges studied during thecourse (50%). - The presentation will take place in January. - The report isdue in April. - There will be no repeat session.
Course schedule
The two proposed thematic weeks for 2021-2021 address: - The Internet of Things : conception and realization of an embeddedsystem, management of this system through some network, treatment ofcollected data, interpretation of the results, social and ethicaspects. - Optimization and decision : combining methods fromcombinatorial optimization, modelling, mathematical programming, deeplearning to tackle problems arising in industry - The scientificseminars will address all scientific, ethical, human and socialaspects of numerical sciences.
Course type
Lectures, keynotes, lab work, group project, seminars, personal research and redaction under the supervision of a mentor. - In-class : courses, keynotes, seminars, workshops. - Face-to-face : work in small groups mentored by experts during the thematic week and along the year with the mentor. - Distance-based : discovery of the labs, redaction of a scientific report with support and advice from a tutor, personal work during the weeks, preparation of the presentation
Online Course Requirement
Other information
The maximum number of students is 80.Applicants will be selectedaccording to demonstrated skills, academic excellence, professonal andscientific project.Evaluation will be based on the presentation ofachievements met during the thematic week and the scientific report.Duration: One thematic week to be chosenStudy level: Multi-levelLanguage of instruction: English and FrenchMode of delivery: Blended learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Nicolas Hanussenicolas.hanusse@labri.frLaurent Simon (coordinator)lsimon@labri.frSylvie Renaud (coordinator) Jean-Marc Couveignes (coordinator)