Object-Oriented Design University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- Core knowledge and skills: communicating object-oriented designsusing the Unified Modelling Language, links to object-orientedprogramming. - Introduction to UML: class, object, use-case and communicationdiagrams. Support for and from the M2103 (Object-Oriented Programming)module, including a common project with design and programmingaspects. Introductory design course for first-time CS or IT students. - Knowledge and skill objectives: defining classes, objects,relations. Object-oriented modelling of real-world or fictionalphenomena. Object-oriented designing of databases, programs, andinformation systems. Reading, writing, assessing and correcting UMLdiagrams.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
- Final summative written examination, weighted 1. - Mid-courseformative written examination, weighted 0.6. - Project essay,weighted 0.4. No re-sits except where mandated by law.
Course schedule
- Object concepts - UML - Class diagrams - Case studies - Static context diagrams - Case-use diagrams - Communication diagrams - Component-composite design pattern
Course type
Lectures, exercises, discussions and a project.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 20 hoursStudy level: University Diploma in TechnologyLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: In-class: lectures, exercises, project supervision.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Colette JOHNENcolette.johnen@u-bordeaux.fr