Optical Engineering II University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Study on wave optics mathematically to understand the mechanism of various typesof optical waveguides.In addition, basic and advanced applications of opto-electronic devices are introduced to control and measure the states of light.
Learning Achievement
1. The students can use the Maxwell's equations to explain electromagnetic waves in a free space, waveguides and periodic structures.2. The students can use electromagnetic waves to detect solid, liquid and gas substances.
There is a huge gap between electromagnetism and optics in general for the master and Ph.D. students with a physics background. The course guides the students to use wave equations, wavefunction and their operations at different types of media, which is known as the solution to develop the optics engineering.
Course prerequisites
Physical optics is the suggested background but not requested to take the course. The physical optics involves the following concepts: wave equation, Maxwell's equations, wave superposition, interference, diffraction and the basic principles of optical components, such as the grating and polarizer.
Grading Philosophy
Attendance, homework, the oral and paper reports.
Course schedule
Three topics are optionally presented in this course dependent on the students' background and motivation, which are: 1. Light propagation and the interaction with mater: monochromatic and polychromatic waves, absorption and dispersion, plasmonics. 2. Waveguide and the integrated configurations: planar and circular dielectric waveguides, parallel-plate waveguide, the periodic structures used for photonic and plasmonic waveguides3. Waveguide sensing technology: optical schemes for the remote and near-field applications, problem solving for the sensitivity and selectivity.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
嵐田 雄介
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university