Organic Chemistry 3 and 4 University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
> THIS COURSE IS DIVIDED IN 2: I. _Organic Chemistry 3 (CO3)_:is a continuation of CO1 and CO2(see the 4TPM213U course). Students will understand the reactivity oforganic halogenated compounds (nucleophilic substitutions andeliminations), oxygen- (alcohols, phenols, ethers), sulfur- (thiols,sulfides) and nitrogen-containing compounds (amines). II._Organic Chemistry 4 (CO4)_:is an overview of the carbonylfunction reactivity. Students will understand the reactivity ofcarbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) and carboxylic acidderivatives (carboxylic acids, amides, esters).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
> 3 written exams: - Exam CO3 - 1h00, 20% weight of overall mark (October). - Exam CO4 - 1h00, 20% weight of overall mark (December). - Final exam CO3+CO4 - 1h30, 60% weight of overall mark (January) - The first session takes place in January. In case of failure, asecond session is organized for the final exam, either as a writtenfinal exam or an oral session depending on the number of failedstudents. This 2nd session takes place at the end of June.
Course schedule
I. CO3> Alkyl halides - General properties, synthesis, nucleophilic substitutions (SN1,SN2), eliminations (E1, E2), competition between SN and E reactions,organometallics (Grignard reagents).> Oxygen compounds - Alcohols: properties, synthesis, reactivity (alkali metalalkoxides, Williamson ether synthesis, esterification, nucleophilicsubstitutions, eliminations, rearrangements, oxidation reactions);Phenols: properties, synthesis, reactivity; Ethers: properties,synthesis and reactivity of epoxydes.> Sulfur compounds - General properties, synthesis and reactivity of thiols and sulfides> Nitrogen compounds - General properties, synthesis, alkylation and acylation of amines,Hoffmann elimination, Sandmeyer reaction.II. CO4> Aldehydes and ketones - General properties, geometry, carbon-oxygen double bond properties,acidic hydrogens. Nucleophilic additions onto carbonyl derivatives:acid-base catalysis, study of various nucleophiles (oxygen, nitrogen,carbon, hydride). Acidic properties of alpha carbonyl hydrogens.Keto-enol equilibrium, enols, enolate. Alpha carbon racemization,alpha halogenation, alpha alkylation, aldol condensation, Mannichreaction. Redox reactions: catalytic hydrogenation, hydride reduction,conversion to alkanes (Wolff-Kischner reduction). Metal mediatedoxidation, Bayer-Villiger oxidation.> Carboxylic acids and derivatives - Physical and chemical properties, acids derivatives (esters, acidanhydrides, acyl halides, amides, nitriles). Nucleophilic substitutiononto carboxylic acid derivatives, addition-elimination mechanism.Esterification reaction, hydrolysis, saponification, amide synthesis,alcohol acylation. Reactivity in alpha position of esters (Claisenreaction, Dieckmann cyclisation, malonic and acetoacetic synthesis,decarboxylation of beta keto acids). Organometallics addition, hydridereduction
Course type
- Lectures are taught in French but all written supports are available in English: 18 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - Practical sessions are taught in English: 20 x 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: French and EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Laurent Pouysegulaurent.pouysegu@u-bordeaux.frJean-Baptiste