Pathophysiology of Neurological & Psychiatric Diseases University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Themain aim of this course is for students to acquire a good knowledgeof thepathophysiological basis of neurological and psychiatricdiseases.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students must have completed a first year of Master in Biologicalscience. - Knowledge of quantitative and population genetics and evolutionbasis or basic knowlege of genetics/genomics. - Knowledge of statistics and R.
Grading Philosophy
> The assessment takes place late in November: - One resit exam is allowed - Final assessment : 2 hours composed of :1 MCQ exam related to eachlectures, and 1 written exam (analysis, description and interpretationof results) related to one given topic (chosen among the differentlectures).
Course schedule
The course is related to some neurological and psychiatric diseasesand covers the clinical features, the neuroanatomical,neurobiological, cognitive and cellular basis of these pathologies. Some of the selected pathologies: Parkinson’s disease, multiplesclerosis, Alzheimer disease,Depression, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, Autism, etc.
Course type
- Lectures and seminars: 52 hours - Personal work: 96 hours.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Due to course content such as personal projects and company visits,the number of students may be limited. Duration: Fall SemesterLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Thomas MicheletThomas.michelet@u-bordeaux.frCyril Lanç