Pedagogy for a Changing World II University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
本授業における学習を通して、国際的な教育者としての教授上のアイデンティティと行為主体性の育成を図る。授業では、国際バカロレア(IB)等にみられる探究に基づく学習の教授実践の中心的原則である「知の理論(Theory of Knowledge: TOK)」について検討する。授業では、TOKの枠組みである「知るための方法(WOKs)」と「知識の領域(AOKs)」を手がかりとして、感覚、芸術、言語、物語、感情、記憶などに着目し、批判的思考の育成方法及び変容を促す教育について理解する。
Learning Achievement
Students will develop a pedagogical identity and agency as an international educator.
Generic Competence: Internationality competence Specific competence: Ability to discover educational issues, Ability to explore the contents of education, Ability to solve educational issues
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Reflection (20%), Essay (80%)
Course schedule
Course overview: This course is designed for students foster a teaching identity and agency as an international educator through learning in this course. In the class, we will study the "Theory of Knowledge (TOK)", which is the central principle of teaching practice of inquiry-based learning found in the IB. In the class, using the TOK framework "ways of knowing (WOKs)" and "areas of knowing (AOKs)" as clues, we focus on sense perception, the arts, language, stories, emotion, memory, etc. and understand training methods of critical thinking and education that promotes transformation.Implementation of TOKWOKsAOKsMultifaceted perspectivesWorld viewsDiversityRole of sense perception from a limited perspective Role of sense perception from a limited perspectiveRole of sense perception from an expanded perspectiveAcademic area as a perspectiveThe arts as a WOKClassification and reification of knowledgeCritical thinkingMaterial context and frameworkTitle roleLanguage and semioticsStory as a way of knowingEmotion as a way of knowingPersonal knowledge and shared knowledgeMethod of existence and agencyTOK, education that promotes transformation, and teaching identity
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kawaguchi Jun,菊地 かおり,Carol Inugai-Dixon
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university