Philosophy of Economics National Taiwan University
Course Overview
The course trains students to discuss economic concepts from a philosophical perspective. Is economics a science? Do economic models need realistic assumptions? What makes an economic institution "good"? These and other questions are raised in this course. The course puts a strong emphasis on discussion and debate. Students are required to give two short presentations of research papers and defend the authors' claims in the following discussion. Students are also required to be discussants of other students' presentations. To train writing interesting and coherent arguments, students write a short paragraph about the debate after class. In the final paper, students examine a recently published research paper from the perspective of one of the topics discussed in class.
Learning Achievement
The course has two objectives. First, it trains students to discuss economic concepts in speaking and writing. Second, it introduces students to methodological and normative issues on the border of economics and philosophy.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hendrik Rommeswinkel
Other information
(College of Social Sciences) Graduate Institute of Economics,
(College of Social Sciences) Department of Economics
*Registration eligibility: juniors and above, and graduate students.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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