Phycological Topics University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
Phycology is a broad area that studying a wide diversity of life forms, from prokaryotic organisms (cyanobacteria) to different lineages of eukaryotes. The knowledge about biodiversity, biology and biotechnological applications have advanced intensively in recent years in Brazil and abroad. Therefore, the focus of this course is to keep the graduate students aware of these advances, and promote presentations and discussions of diverse phycological topics in English.
Learning Achievement
1. Present and discuss phycological topics and related areas in order to provide a broad and updated knowledge to the students. 2. Expose research projects and seminars for discussion and suggestions, enabling the exchange of information between the projects developed by the students. 3. Offer the student an environment for training oral presentations and scientific debates in English.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
All students should present at least one seminar in English (including the oral presentation and slides) based on their research project or a related subject.
Course schedule
Diverse and current themes on Phycology and related areas, including classical and molecular taxonomy and systematics, biogeography and phylogeny, ecology, physiology, chemistry, genetics, omics sciences, mariculture, environmental education and biotechnological applications of algae. The course will be based on oral presentation of seminars and discussions.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Mariana Cabral de Oliveira, Fanly Fungyi Chow Ho
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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