Plant Breeding University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> Students learn how to: - Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge in a design study fora breeding program; - Integrate genotyping and phenotyping methods - Connect breeding methods, techniques and breeding goals dependingon species, parent al choice, breeding strategy, population genetics,selection methods, traits of interest that are crucial for successfulpractical breeding - Integrate legal rules and variety development, breeder’s rightsand patents - Integrate advanced statistics and bioinformaticsThe project concerns the set up of a breeding program for a specificcrop (student choice) with specific goals (breeding for: resistance topathogens, tolerance to abiotic stresses, fruit quality, biomoleculeproduction, etc.).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students must have completed a first year of Master in Biologicalscience. - Knowledge of quantitative and population genetics and evolutionbasis or basic knowlege of genetics/genomics. - Knowledge of statistics and R.
Grading Philosophy
- Essay and group presentation of the personal project. - Quality of the proposal, report and presentation.
Course schedule
- Principles of selection and genetic gain, response to selection. - Germplasm resources, collecting, analysing, classifying. - International rules on germplasm resources. - Population improvement and cultivar development (breeding forlines, hybrids, clones, populations). - High through-put phenotyping. - Breeding strategies and methods including molecular breeding (MAS,genomic selection) and biotechnologies. - Multiple traits selection. - Genotype by environment interaction. - Protecting varieties and intellectual property. - Plant Breeding international network and organization.A focus is carried out on crop breeding but also on the breeding oflocal species such as pine, grapevine, fruit trees, strawberries,tomato, sunflower, etc.
Course type
- 42 In-class hours: face-to-face including at least 10 hours with researchers and breeders (30 hours), project study (12 hours). - Company visits (16 hours). - Distance-learning: self-study (10 hours). - Personal work (122 hours).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Due to course content such as personal projects and company visits,the number of students may be limited. Duration: 12 weeks (Fall Semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: in-class, seminars, flipped classroom; distance learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Valérie Schurdi-Levraud valerie.schurdi-levraud@u-bordeaux.frPierre-François Bert pierre-françois.bert@ Florence