Plant Development and Reproduction University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> The covers: - Most recent advances in plant development and reproduction with upto date approaches including genetic, reverse genetic and NGS basedapproaches. - Epigenetic mechanisms in plants and their functions in plantdevelopment and reproduction. - Genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying plant developmentcontrol, and possible biotechnological applications. - Case studies using recent article on various plant model to analysemechanisms controlling plant development.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students must have 1st year Master knowledge of biological science,plant biology and biotechnology. - Language prerequisites: a good level of scientific English.
Grading Philosophy
- A 2 hour written exam. - Scientific paper group presentation> Rules for failure: an overall grade of 10/20 is necessary to passthe exam.
Course schedule
- Content of the course is related to different aspects of plantdevelopment, and analysis of the mechanisms that control it. - The use of state of the art technologies in Molecular Biology,(including omics), Developmental Biology, Cell Imaging approaches toaddress various aspects of plant development, reproduction andapplications in Plant Biotechnologies will be highlighted byliterature case studies.
Course type
> 158 hours of lectures, seminars, inverted class, scientific paper analysis and oral presentation: - 48 hours in-class (9 hours lectures, 14 hours professional seminars with INRA or CNRS researchers, 23 hours group work, 2 hours exam). - 110 self-study hours (50 hours private reading, 50 hours exam preparation, 10 hours group work preparation).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
A maximum number of 20 students is recommended for this course.Duration: 12 weeks (Fall Semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: seminars, inversed classes, group work
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Philippe Gallusci Florence