Plant Physiology II University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
This lecture introduces several important topics for your further understanding of plant physiology, which includes recent advances in the research of vegetative and reproductive development, and symbiosis with microorganisms in higher plants.
Learning Achievement
近年飛躍的に研究が進んでいる高等植物の分裂組織形成・器官分化制御機構,受粉・受精の機構,自家不和合性,植物微生物共生等の植物生理学上の重要な課題に焦点を絞りつつ,植物生理学の最近の進歩を紹介する。 This lecture introduces several important topics for your further understanding of plant physiology, which includes recent advances in the research of vegetative and reproductive development, and symbiosis with microorganisms in higher plants.
Course prerequisites
植物生理学Iを事前に履修しておくことが望ましい。 Prerequisite; Plant Physiology I
Grading Philosophy
記述式の試験またはレポートを行い、A-Dの4段階評価をする Exam or Reports. At examination, you do not bring any textbook or notebook.
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Iwai Hiroaki,Suzaki Takuya
Other information
植物生理学II (EB74131)は、2023年度より奇数年度は日本語、偶数年度は英語で開講となります。来年度は英語で開講されないため、英語で受講予定の学生は今年度に受講するか2024年度に受講してください Plant Physiology II (EB74131) Language is Japanese in odd-numbered years and English in even-numbered years. In 2023, the lecture is conducted Japanese. In 2022 and 2024, the lecture is conducted in English. Students planning to take this course in English should take the course in 2022 or 2024.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university