Plant Physiology, Laboratory University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
This course aims to provide an understanding of the effects of hormones and other factors in plant development and function, focusing on proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, cell walls, etc. It also covers basic laboratory skills including tissue culture, enzyme activity measurement, and microscopic observation.
Learning Achievement
植物の発生や機能におけるホルモン等の作用を、タンパク質、多糖、核酸、細胞壁等に注目して解析し、植物生理学に関する理解を深めるとともに、組織培養、酵素活性測定、顕微鏡観察を含む基本的実験法を習得する。 This course aims to provide an understanding of the effects of hormones and other factors in plant development and function, focusing on proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, cell walls, etc. It also covers basic laboratory skills including tissue culture, enzyme activity measurement, and microscopic observation.
Course prerequisites
植物生理学概論、植物生理学I、遺伝子組換え実験従事者講習会 Introduction to Biology, Plant Pysiology I, Training session for the registration of the students engaged in recombinant DNA experiments.
Grading Philosophy
学期末に提出するレポ一トで評価を行う。 Grading by reports.
Course schedule
植物の分化・発生・遺伝子発現等に対するホルモン等の作用を解析し、植物生理学に関する理解を深めるとともに基礎的実験法を習得することを目的として以下の演習(15時間、10時限相当)と実験(30時間、20時限相当)を行う。 1)タバコ植物体切片にホルモンを与えて培養を行うことにより器官分化を誘導する実験を行い、ホルモンの形態形成における役割を理解する。組織培養および顕微鏡観察の原理と方法について演習を行う。 2)果実の成熟過程および種子形成過程の細胞壁および細胞壁分解酵素を分析する実験を行うことで、その生理機能を理解する。細胞壁の抽出、多糖類の定性、定量分析、酵素活性測定について、その原理と方法について演習を行う。 3)植物の金属イオンに対する反応と動態を解析する実験を行うことで、その生理機能を理解する。金属イオンの測定および顕微鏡観察の原理と方法について演習を行う。 4)寄生植物が宿主植物に対してどのような影響を与えるかについて、光合成活性に着目して解析する実験を行う。光合成活性測定の原理と方法について演習を行う。 植物の生理反応は時間を要するものが多いので、以上の実験はオーバーラップさせながら行う。 This course aims to provide an understanding of the effects of hormones and other factors in plant differentiation, development, and function, and to master basic experimental methods. 1) To understand the physiological role of hormones in morphogenesis on tobacco tissue culture. Experiments and lectures on mechanisms and methods of tissue culture and microscopy. 2) To understand the physiological role of the cell wall and cell wall degrading enzymes during fruit ripening and seed development. Experiments and lectures on the mechanisms and methods of cell wall extraction, qualitative and quantitative analysis of polysaccharides, and enzyme activity measurement. 3) To understand the physiological functions of plants by analyzing their responses to metal ions and their dynamics. Experiments and lectures on the mechanism and methods of measurement and microscopic observation of metal ions. 4) To understand how parasitic plants affect their host plants, by analyzing their photosynthetic activity. Experiments and lectures on the mechanism and methods of photosynthetic activity measurement. Since the analysis of physiological responses in plants requires a lot of experimental time, experiments are conducted in superposition.
Course type
Class Exercises and Training/Lab Experiments/Practical Appliation
Online Course Requirement
Iwai Hiroaki,Furukawa Jun,Irving Louis John
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university