Polymer Science and Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
This course provides the fundamentals of polymer science and engineering with emphasis on polymeric materials and their classifications, molecular weight, polymers in solution and solid state, thermal properties and the relationship as well as the implication on polymer synthesis.
Learning Achievement
1. Describe basic properties and classification of polymers, calculate average molecular weight of the polymer and the implications from the molecular weight differences with respect to properties and processing. 2. Compare and contrast between step-growth polymerization and addition polymerization techniques and determine simple chemical reaction kinetic. 3. Explain the concept of solubility, factors affecting solubility and determine the solubility parameter based on the molecular structure of the polymer. 4. Distinguish between crystalline and amorphous region in polymers and describe thermal behaviour of polymers and factors affecting the thermal transition and properties in polymeric material. 5. Identify and explain general processing techniques used to process polymeric material.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Quiz, Assignment, Test, Final Examination
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Roshafima Rasit Ali
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr. Roshafima Rasit Ali
Email address: mailto:roshafima@utm.my