Power Electronics and Drives Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
This course provides knowledge on semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static characteristics and principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectifiers; bridge converters - fully controlled and half controlled; principles of choppers and inverters; basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives.
Learning Achievement
1. Describe any related terms in PE, devices and application and also the function of industrial used of all power semiconductor devices. 2. Analyze the operation of power semiconductor devices; apply the concepts of device physics in the context of device switching in a power converter. 3. Construct a simple power converter, including a DC-DC converter and 3-phase inverter. 4. Compute motor drive, including the control system and converter. 5. Differentiate the applications of power electronics and the development of new devices and materials
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Test, Assignment, Mini Project, Case Study
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Rasli bin Abd Ghani
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr. Rasli bin Abd Ghani
Dr. Fatimah Binti Salim
Email address: mailto:rasli.kl@utm.my,sfatimah.kl@utm.my