Practical Seminar B University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
There has been a growing importance of efficiently and broadly finding and understanding relevant literature in a domain that is not your core area, due to an increase of interdisciplinary nature in research topics. Therefore, in this course, students will acquire literature survey skills in some of the areas in Informatics, and will learn major information sources and typical structure of academic articles, and finally, identify conferences and journals where students could aim to submit their work.
Learning Achievement
(1) To understand information sources and to develop an ability to search and obtain literature. (2) To understand methods of reading the content of academic articles and books, and to develop an ability to critically read and comprehend them.
Knowledge application competence, Internationality competence, Media expertise, System expertise, Resource expertise
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Grading Method Grading considers the assignment woks given in each domain based on the course objectives. Percentage - Assignment work : 100%, where each domain's assignment work constitutes 20% Grading Criteria Students will pass the course based on the following criteria. - Assignments of all five domains are submitted before the deadlines - Assignments of all five domains are above 60% of required criteria The grade of A+ to C will be based on the average score of the assignments of five domains.
Course schedule
Information sources and literature search in System Science and Bioinformatics (Maeshiro)Reading literature in System Science and Bioinformatics (Maeshiro)Information sources and literature search in Archival Studies (Baryshev)Reading literature in Archival Studies (Baryshev)Information sources and literature search in Semantic Web and Internet Technologies (Sakaguchi)Reading literature in Semantic Web and Internet Technologies (Sakaguchi)Information sources and literature search in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (Matsubara)Reading literature in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (Matsubara)Information sources and literature search in Human Learning and Information Technology (Kim)Reading literature in Human Learning and Information Technology (Kim)
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Maeshiro Tetsuya,Kim SunKyoung,Sakaguchi Tetsuo,Baryshev Eduard,Matsubara Masaki
Other information
Assignments - Content: Assignment woks given by each domain based on the course objectives - Amount: Once or twice per domain - Submission: Specified by each domain - Due date: Specified by each domain Class format - Online Real-time and On-Demand
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university