Practicum in English/languages (Ⅱ) National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This two-semester course constitutes an intensive training program that attempts to cultivate competent English teachers for secondary schools in Taiwan. Essentially, it intends to introduce students to the methods and techniques of English teaching, course design, lesson planning, and development and evaluation of teaching activities and materials. Further, it aims to afford students the opportunities to translate theoretical knowledge into hands-on practice by way of inviting them to demonstrate self-developed teaching lessons, attend school visits, and conduct classroom observations. Specifically, in the first semester, students will practice developing and implementing lesson plans and instructional materials, foster and sharpen the skills of initiating and sustaining efficient classroom interactions, and evaluate the effectiveness of micro-teaching. In the second semester, in addition to the aforementioned activities, students will each demonstrate teaching lessons with the aid of a supervising practitioner at designated secondary schools.
Learning Achievement
Upon the completion of this yearly course, students can expect to be able to 1) understand the theoretical principles of language teaching, including course and material development, lesson planning, and language assessment, 2) demonstrate self-designed lessons and perform classroom observations, 3) understand the current English curricula of the public and private high schools in Taiwan, and 4) develop strengthened presentational and instructional effectiveness.
Course prerequisites
EduTch5530 (P01 U3510)Practicum(Ⅰ) in English/languages (Ⅰ).
1) Late work results in a lower grade. The grade of an assignment submitted later than the designated due date will be reduced by 20% for each day it is late. 2) All assignments should follow the format guidelines below. (a) Typed, 12-point word font, Times New Roman (b) 2.54 cm margins (all sides), 1.5-spacing (c) English name and student ID on top right corner (header) (d) Paper number on bottom center (footer) 3) Use of mobile devices (e.g., cell phones, tablet computers, laptops) during class is disallowed unless otherwise permitted by the instructor. 4) This course has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Any form of plagiarism will immediately earn students a failing grade for the entire course.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Huang, Shin-Ying
Other information
Non-degree Program: Center For Teacher Education
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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