Pre-clinical and Clinical Neuropharmacology University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course provides students with the neurobiological basis ofpsychiatric diseases so that they can understand the preclinicalpharmacology of psychotropic drugs, how to study them, how they work,what their effects are at all levels (neurobiological, psychologicaland behavioral), how clinicians use them.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students should possess a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS) or equivalentdiploma in biology, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, medicalstudies, pharmacy, cognitive sciences or psychology. - A proveninterest and solid basic knowledge in the field of Neuroscience mustbe provided by students with a Bachelor degree in another subject(chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science). - Languageprerequisites: fluency in English.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Competences: - Work in a transversal, multidisciplinary way and make an effectiveliterature search. - Critically review specialized bibliography. - To formulate appropriate questions and propose effective strategiesof investigations to Neurosciences issues.Content includes: - Pre-clinical pharmacology of psychotropic drugs: classificationand mechanism of action. - Neural interactions and networks. -Psychostimulants - Antidepressants: monoaminoxidase inhibitors,tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, atypicalantidepressants. - The endocannabinoids. - Discriminatory andreinforcing properties of drugs: main concepts and methods of study.Behavioural pharmacology (mechanisms of action and brain targets,appetite and aversive effects, effects on cognitive and emotionalprocesses, etc.) of psychostimulants, opiates, Ecstasy and Cannabis. - Clinical pharmacology of psychotropic drugs: development of a drugin humans; evaluation of therapeutic properties: expected effects,side effects and complications of psychotropic drugs.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Selection procedure: send application file with CV, all previoustranscripts and cover letter to the course coordinator - Selectioncriteria: excellent grades and/or other study results, highmotivation, adequate prerequisitesLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Umberto SPAMPINATOumberto.spampinato@u-bordeaux.frCyril Lanç