Preparatory courses University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Getting essential Physics knowledge. Bring students from differentbackgrounds to the level required to follow the core courses and thespecialization courses.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Bachelor in Physics
Grading Philosophy
Written exams in December - 3 to 4 written asignments (40% of the final grade) - 3 to 4 2-hours exams (60% of the final grade)
Course schedule
Choice of:A) STATISTICAL PHYSICS AND THERMODYNAMICS (6 ECTS) - Micro canonical ensemble - Canonical ensemble - Grand canonical ensemble - Phenomenology of phase transitions - Interacting systems - Approximation of average fields - One-dimensional statistical physicsB) ELECTROMAGNETISM & ELECTRODYNAMICS (3 ECTS) - Electrodynamics of vacuum - Retarded potentials - Accelerated particle radiation - Electromagnetic properties of a dielectric medium - Propagation of fast particlesC) LAB PROGRAMMING (3 ECTS) - Introduction to Labview - Introduction to Matlab - Introduction to Python - Introduction to Cell biology (3 ECTS) - Evolution, type of cells and organisms (tree of life) - Structure of a cell - Metabolism of the cell - Cell division, cell death. - Genetics, chromosomes and DNA - Stem cells - Proteins - Membrane biophysics - Beyond the cell - Modern molecular biology tools and methods
Course type
Lectures. - 108-110 contact hours (102 lectures, 6-8 exams) - 408 hours self-study (204 private reading, 102 writing assessment, 68 exam preparation, 34 group work preparation)
Online Course Requirement
Other information 4 monthsLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: In-class learning, written assignments, written exams
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Philippe Tamaratphilippe.tamarat@u-bordeaux.frEmmanuel d’Humiè