Presenting in English: Techniques and Practices National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Course Description: This single-semester course intends to acquaint students with the theories and principles of public speaking, guide them in the analysis and evaluation of diversified presentations, and supply them with hands-on opportunities for presenting in English in a variety of academic and everyday situations. Additionally, it aims to familiarize students with the processes involved in preparing and delivering an effective public presentation, such as selecting an appropriate topic, analyzing the audience, performing research to locate relevant materials, crafting a feasible and manageable outline, choosing the appropriate wording, opening, and closing, cultivating the efficient coping strategies for ameliorating speaking anxiety, making judicious use of visual media, and so forth.
Learning Achievement
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this semester-long course, students can expect to be able to 1. understand the principles of public speaking, 2. develop and deliver well-structured English presentations with confidence and authority, 3. design or locate effective visual media to enhance presentation efficiency, and 4. respond to the questions from the audience with poise and clarity.
Course prerequisites
Requirements: Students are expected to complete all of the assigned readings and homework assignments prior to class and fully participate in class discussions and activities. Equally important, they need to actively offer feedback on their peers' presentations to help one other identify and in turn address the areas for further improvement.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Heng-Tsung Danny Huang
Other information
(College of Liberal Arts) Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
*Registration eligibility: juniors and above.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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