Principle of Economics (with Recitation) (2) National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This class introduces the principles behind macroeconomics. . It follows the first semester class, which introduced the principles of microeconomics. Concepts such as GDP, price indices, inflation, unemployment, monetary & fiscal policy, exchange rates, etc. will be examined. The class is taught in English. The presentation will be largely based on Acemoglu, Laibson and List's Economics with an extra emphasis on Taiwan's economy. Grades will be based on a midterm (35%), a final (40%), homework and quizzes (15%) and class participation (10%). We will make use of Zuvio, so you should bring something to class with which you can get on-line.
Learning Achievement
A basic understanding of economics & Taiwan's economy
Course prerequisites
No prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kelly Barton Olds
Other information
(College of Management) Department of Accounting,
(College of Management) Department of International Business,
(College of Social Sciences) Department of Economics,
(College of Management) Department of Finance
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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