Process Control and Instrumentation Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
In this course, students will gain knowledge on the fundamentals of dynamic process modelling, dynamic process behaviours and process control. Lumped parameter systems modelling, distributed parameter systems, feedback control system design, analysis and tuning are introduced. Model estimation techniques for FOPDT systems are also included. Other commonly found control structures, such as feedforward, ratio and cascade control, and plant-wide control systems design are taught qualitatively.
Learning Achievement
1. Classify and select variables for identifying and designing feedback, inferential, feedforward, ratio, split-range and cascade control systems 2. Derive and utilize lumped parameter dynamic models and identify systems that require distributed parameter models 3. Identify, describe, derive and analyze first order, pure capacitive, second order, dead time, higher order and inverse response dynamic behaviours 4. Explain each of the three modes of feedback controllers and appropriately select suitable ones. Tune feedback control systems, and analyze and evaluate response 5. Demonstrate with confidence to tune the feedback control.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Quiz, Assignment, Test, Project, Final Examination
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Prof. Dr. Tomoya Tsuji
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Tomoya Tsuji
Dr. Yasuki Kansha
Email address:,