Product Design and Innovation University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The objective is to provide an introduction on product design andinnovation methodology with a structured approach to follow to designa product or system. - Acquire the basic notions and concepts on engineering design andinnovation, understand its problems and difficulties in the context ofa commissioned design in an industrial context. - Provide anengineering design methodology for the specification of a product or asystem with a step-by-step approach and its associate techniques. -Use the studied engineering design methodology in a company to managea design and innovation project
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Batchelor Year 1 accomplished (in the domain of sciencesandtechnologies) - English (good listening and reading capabilities)
Grading Philosophy
- Exam: 1h30 at the end of the semester (Coef. 0,6) - Continuous Control: Design project (Coef. 0,4)
Course schedule
DESIGN METHODOLOGY*Basic concepts et definitions on design *Basic steps of the design process*Design project stakeholders*Basic techniques to define design requirements, perform design,evaluate design options, etc.
Course type
Lectures, interactive sessions, project. The student will be asked to design a product following the methodology (as a continuous control). - Both face-to-face and distance-based e-learning. - Main lectures will be delivered through e-learning (MP4 video and web-based lecture/learning). - Interactive sessions will be organised for questions and discussions
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching ; E-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: David