Production System Management University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Through this course, students will acquire the basic notions ofproduction management. The different functions that structure themanagement decisions of material flows in the company will beapproached in a global way. The main learning objective is to becomeaware of the different factors that have an impact on the control ofperformance in industrial production, and on the complexity of themanagement to be implemented.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment throughout the teaching module. - 4 evaluations carried out on the basis of: - 2 group presentations - written exam or graded homework
Course schedule
The global approach in production management will be addressed beforedetailing the different key decisions required to control efficientlythe production flows. Functions that will be successively and verybroadly discussed are :TECHNICAL DATA: they correspond to fundamental components ofProduction Management and are the basis for understanding the problemto solve. They give to decision makers an image of the physical systemto manage quality, cost, and delay, and characterize in a technicalpoint of view the different components involved in the production,such as products, machines.PLANNING: production planning is a sequence of decision-making thatempower enterprises to work smarter and optimize their productionprocess in the best possible manner. It consists inefficiently managing internal resources to meet customer demand andanticipate any production problems, by projecting the quantities to beproduced over the long term.MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING: this function includes all decisionmaking on the production process and work-in-progress which analysescurrent inventory levels and production capacities in order to decide“what is the quantity to produce” and “when the production mustbe launched”.SCHEDULING: it characterizes a short-term decision making consistingin planning the times at which specific and elementary tasks must beexecuted to guarantee the satisfaction of industrial objectives (forinstance, delivery the right quantities to customers).INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: It is an alternative or complementary approachto the Material Requirement Planning function. It is a systematicapproach to sourcing and storing of any material required forproduction. Decision making leads to replenish stocks, if necessary,by defining the right quantity to order at the right moment in orderto minimize storage costs. 4 inventory management policies arepresented and illustrated by practical cases.6 ECTS - 11 class sessions (1 hour and 20 minutes) – This course requirespersonal and group work (about 30 hours) - 1 written exam of 1 hour
Course type
- During the first part of the course, the students are divided into 4 working groups. The second part of the course is more traditional. - Presentation / projection of synthesis works (PPT) carried out by students on the basis of documents communicated by the trainers. Classical courses with application exercises
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 4/5 monthsLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching ; E-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jean-Christophe Deschampsjean-christophe.deschamps@u-bordeaux.frJulien