Public Economics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course is designed to acquaint M1 students with key issues andconcepts in public economics and to provide them with theoreticaltools to study public policies and more generally the justification,scope and consequences of state intervention in economic activities.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Undergraduate microeconomics
Grading Philosophy
Continuous examination (30)
Course schedule
THE COURSE WILL COVER: 1. An overview of the role of the State in modern economies (1h) 2. General equilibrium, efficiency & equity, welfare theorems (2 h) 3. Restoring efficiency: market failure (externalities, public goods,imperfect competition) and state intervention (4h) 4. Restoring equity: redistribution, social welfare, nonwelfaristapproaches (2h) [exam: 30 min] 5. Taxation: tax incidence, labor supply & incentives, tax reforms,optimal commodity/income taxation, cost of public funds (6h) 6. Social choice, collective decision making, voting (2h)[exam: 30min]
Course type
Lecture course
Online Course Requirement
Other information
REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY : The course is based on the book: Intermediate Public Economics, byHindriks, J. and G. Myles, MIT Press, 2006 (provided in pdfformat)Additional references: - Auerbach, A and MS Feldstein Handbook of Public Economics,Amsterdam: North-Holland (volume 1, 1986; volume 2, 1987; volumes 3 &4, 2002). - Lambert, P. The Distribution and Redistribution ofIncome: A Mathematical Analysis. (Manchester: Manchester UniversityPress, 2002). - Salanié, B., The Economics of Taxation, MIT Press,London, 2003. KEY WORDS :Public Economics, taxation, public goods,externalities, regulation, political economy. Duration: 18 hoursLanguage of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Olivier