Quantitative Business Science National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course is the first course in quantitative business science for data analysts, detailing: (1) statistical programming, (2) stochastic simulation, (3) computationally intensive methods, (4) mixed and multilevel models, and (5) formal model comparison using information criteria. The practical goals of the course are to teach students how to specify, code, fit, and interpret model-based inference, and appreciate the powerful things ‘model thinking’ can do for analyzing dependent data when sampling is over time, space, or within clusters, which are common in digital operations (e.g., internet of things), platform business (e.g., Airbnb, Alibaba, Uber), and sharing economy (e.g., crowdfunding). The course is ‘heavy on code’ since having ‘computational thinking’ in the digital era entails a lot of scripting and programming.
Learning Achievement
The objectives of this course are: (1) to familiarize the R language, (2) to perform statistical computing via computer programming, (3) to develop statistical models via R and the Stan package, and (4) to develop the skills in organizing an effective data-driven strategy in a real business world.
Course prerequisites
*Restrict to 3rd-year and above.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Shu-Jung Yang
Other information
Department of Business Administration,
Graduate Institute of Business Administration
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://www.management.ntu.edu.tw/en/EiMBA