Quantum engineering quantum information Université Grenoble Alpes

Course Overview
Quantum communication and information processing (QIPC) is a rapidly growing field that takes advantage of the most counter-intuitive aspects of quantum mechanics to develop new technologies. In this framework, no-cloning theorem is exploited to communicate more securely, while coherence and entanglement become resources to compute in a more efficient way than in the classical world. Moreover, approaching the quantum limits paves the road to ultra-sensitive measurements in various fields of physics such as photonics, mechanics or electrical engineering. In these various fields, the ability to beat decoherence, namely, to isolate and control quantum systems, was crucial. Technological progresses have allowed fulfilling these challenging objectives, such that quantum protocols are now investigated in various experimental setups. This course will present an introduction to quantum information and more generally to quantum engineering, with examples taken from photonics and superconducting circuits. It will expose the mains tools and concepts of quantum technologies, for students curious about this intriguing topics, whether they envisage to embark in a PhD, or they just want to acquire a scientific background in this domain. Basics of quantum optics and light-matter interaction will be presented. General concepts relevant for quantum information, e.g. quantum bits, Bloch sphere or decoherence, will be introduced and illustrated using superconducting circuits and photonics based physical systems : - Theory : Quantum measurement theory, entanglement, decoherence, exemples of elementary quantum information protocols and quantum gates - Experimental aspects illustrated with superconducting qubits : Two-level systems, Bloch sphere, Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes, quantum limits of amplification - Experimental aspects illustrated with photonics : Coherent states, single photons, quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.
Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
- April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
- September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June).
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dounia MOUKADEM / Thi Phuong POURTIER