Quantum Field Theory I University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
A course on quantum field theory, including topics such as path integral and perturbation theory.
Learning Achievement
Acquire the ability to quantize the free field. Acquire the ability to derive the Feynman rule using a path integral method when mutual influence exists.
This lecture provides basic knowledge and skill in quantum field theory, which is necessary for understanding particle physics.
Course prerequisites
Be sure to understand the basis of dynamics, electromagnetics, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and theory of special relativity.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
1. Theory of relativistic particles2. Quantization of free field3. Field theory with mutual influence4. Path integral and perturbative theory特殊相対性理論の復習相対論的量子力学ディラック方程式自由スカラー場の理論スカラー場の理論の正準量子化相互作用の導入S行列と散乱断面積LSZの公式フェルミオンの場の理論ゲージ場の理論
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Ishiki Goro
Other information
Inquiries are welcomed at any time. Visit the teacher's room after checking for availability by e-mail or telephone.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university