Quantum Mechanics University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
Quantum mechanics lies at the core of the understanding of electronicproperties and the concepts of matter cohesion, organization andtransformation together with all the response properties associated tothe physics of measurement. The objective of this course is to providestudents with the principles and formalism of quantum mechanicstogether with various illustrative applications casted in a consistentframework.This course provides students coming from a Chemistry,Physics and Physical Chemistry Bachelor with a better understanding ofthe molecular basis of the physical and chemical properties of matter.Beyond the few exactly solvable case studies, this course intends tofocus specifically on approximate quantum mechanics tackling the Nbody problem of interacting particles so as to make students aware ofthe notions of modelling. This includes variation and perturbationschemes, based on the analysis of the physical relevance of quantumfluctuations with respect to the level of understanding and accuracyrequired in a given problem.Matter- Light interaction is eventually introduced in the dipolarapproximation, using time dependent perturbation theory, introducingthe photo-physical elementary processes of resonant absorption,resonant stimulated emission and spontaneous emission. This isillustrated on the vibronic molecular spectroscopy in theIR,UV/visible regimes. At the end of the course, students are able to formalise a problem interms of quantum models that can be tackled either variationaly orusing perturbation theory.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
> Students must have: - Basic knowledge of “Quantum mechanics” (undergraduate level).
Grading Philosophy
Type of assessment / first session: homework assignment (20% weightofoverall mark), Mid-term written exam (20% weight of overallmark),final written exam (60% weight of overall mark).___In case of failures/second session: written exam (60% weight ofoverallmark), recall of the first session intermediate evaluation(40%weight of overall mark)._
Course schedule
> Lectures: - Mathematical tools: Vector spaces, Hermitian product, Matrices andlinear algebra. - Quantum states, Superposition principle, Hilbert spaces. - Observables: Operators, Matrix representation, Measurement andeigenvalue equations, Mean values. - The Schrödinger equations Time dependent and time independent. - Restricted Hilbert spaces: Variation theory and the linearvariation method. - Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory. - Variation-Perturbation and effective hamiltonians. - Time dependent perturbation theory. - Interaction with an electromagnetic field - Multipolardecomposition. - Transition moments, polarisability and selection rules. - Einstein theory in the optical domain.
Course type
> 154 hours of lectures and tutorials: - 51 contact hours (28h lectures, 23h tutorials). - 100 hours self-study. - 4.5 hours written assessment exam.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 12 weeks (Fall Semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: lectures, tutorials.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Alain Fritsch alain.fritsch@u-bordeaux.fr Corinne Jalibertcorinne.jalibert@u-bordeaux.fr