Regulation and Competition Policies University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The objective of the course (taught in English) is to enable studentsto understand the institutional and legal framework for regulatingmarkets. The course is based on concepts of industrial economics andprovides an in-depth look at the economic foundations of competitionpolicy. At the end of the course, students should be able to read andunderstand advanced articles on the discipline of markets, formulateeconomic arguments to explain concrete cases ofstate intervention todiscipline anti-competitive behaviour. They should also know the mainindicators used to measure market power and assess industrialconcentration.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Fundamentals of Microeconomics
Grading Philosophy
Continuous examination (30)Writing a mini-memoir
Course schedule
After a historical perspective of the regulatory and institutionalframework for market discipline in different countries, severalspecific themes are presented such as: dominance, collusiveposition,collusive agreements, predatory pricing and regulatedmonopoly. A section is devoted to the tensions that can arise betweencompetitionpolicy and intellectual property rights policy. Anotherpart will examine the role of environmental regulations and theirimplicationon the behaviour of firms and industrial dynamics, usingthe case ofthe REACH regulation as an example.
Course type
Lecture course
Online Course Requirement
Other information
REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY : - Motta M., 2004, Competition Policy, Theory and Practice, CambridgeUniversity Press. Viscusi W., Vernon J. et Harrington J., 2005,Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, MIT Press, Cambridge,3eédition. website of the European Union: KEY WORDS :Competitionpolicy, market power, dominance, cartels, predatory pricing,concentration indicatorsDuration: 18 hoursLanguage of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Cecile