Remote Sensing University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Remote sensing (observation of earth surface from air and space) is a powerful tool for environmental monitoring and assessment. We learn the principles, utility, and potential of this technology. As a basic background of this lecture, students are encouraged to study elementary physics, mathematics, and geography.
Learning Achievement
環境科学におけるリモートセンシングの有用性を理解し, 目的に対して適切な観測法やデータを選択・考案できるようになる。 / We understand applicability of remote sensing and become able to choose appropriate data and analysis for problem solutions.
理解力・解析力 (skills of understanding and analysis): Remote sensing is a tool of understanding and analysis of Earth environment. 課題対応力 (skills of problem-solving): Students learn how to utilize remote sensing in their research problems.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Remote sensing (observation of earth surface from air and space) is a powerful tool for environmental monitoring and assessment. We learn the principles, utility, and potential of this technology. As a basic background of this lecture, students are encouraged to study elementary physics, mathematics, and geography大学初年級の物理学と数学が既知であることを前提とする。/ We require math and physics in the 1st grade level of undergraduate.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Nasahara Kenlo
Other information
大学初年級の物理学と数学が既知であることを前提とする。/ We require math and physics in the 1st grade level of undergraduate.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university