Research and development in analytical chemistry University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course presents the fundamental principles of research anddevelopment of analytical chemistry methods, with different examplesof instruments, methods and applications in the pharmaceutical field
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- hold a Bachelor or first year of master in pharmacy, chemistry orengineer - English level: B2 - Computer with a word processor and internet connection
Grading Philosophy
Module 1: Mass spectrometry - 2 Reports on lab work1h25 % weight of overall mark - Writtenexam*2h50% weight of overall mark Module 2: Capillaryelectrophoresis - Report on the lab work2h25% weight of overall mark - Writtenexam*2h50% weight of overall mark Module 3: Spectroscopy andspectrophotometry - Written exam*2h50% weight of overall mark Module 4: Advancedliquid chromatography - Written exam*2h50% weight of overall mark *A unique written exam forthe teaching unit RULES AND PROTOCOL FOR FAILURES - Overall mark ≥ 10/20 - Module mark ≥ 7.5/20
Course schedule
Module 1: Mass spectrometry - Definitions and principles - Ionization sources - Analysers anddetectors - Rules of fragmentation - Pharmaceutical applications Module 2: Capillary electrophoresis - Introduction (instrumentation, benefits, drawbacks, applications) -Fundamental principles (electrophoretic migration and electroosmoticflow, parameters impacting migration and flow, dispersion sources,injection modes) - Separation modesCapillary ZoneElectrophoresisMicellar Electrokinetic ChromatographyChiral analysis Module 3: Spectroscopy and spectrophotometry - Raman Spectroscopy - Infrared and near infrared spectroscopy -UV-Visible spectrophotometry - Fluorescence spectroscopy Module4: Advanced liquid chromatography - U(H)PLC method transfer - Detectors - Separation techniques - Ion chromatography - Ion exchange chromatography -Hydrophilic interaction chromatography - Hydrophobic interactionchromatography - Size exclusion Chromatography
Course type
- Lectures and tutorial in remote (Zoom and Moodle) - Face-to-face lectures, tutorial and practice - Distance-based: 10h lectures and 6h tutorials - Face to face teaching: 14h lectures, 2h tutorials and 28h practice
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum number of students: 30 - Selection procedure: online application + interview - Selection criteria: solid bases in analytical chemistry andchromatography, the adequacy of the initial training, professionalexperience and professional project Duration: 24h lectures, 8h tutorials and 28h practiceLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching and distance-based
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Boutayna Rhourri Frihboutayna.frih@u-bordeaux.frNoelyne Vague (secretary)